Mauro Moro

Libreville - GABON


Project delivered with a team @ SURBANA-JURONG (2018)

The project provides an integrated and holistic vision for the future campus in Libreville, Gabon and Africa. Located in the middle of a highly-populated area at the African equator Atlantic coast, Libreville represents the perfect place to settle a new university campus. Integrated within the ex-presidential palace and park, the new campus will offer a solid and valuable asset to the local public university and the local and outsider students.

The MASTERPLAN aims to re-create a place always kept exclusive by its purpose. The objective is to integrate the required new university units with the existing patrimony without altering its identity while creating a unique, strong campus uniqueness and brand. The new interventions are reduced to the minimum to maximise the local topography, respect the current hydrology system, and take advantage of the sea breeze and sun orientation. 

The challenge for ARCHITECTURE is the harmonious integration of the Old and the New regarding the program and structure. The most significant issues are the environment, the climate and the available technology/construction local capacity. The architectonic solution must provide the best comfort for the students with minimal and more accessible built components, work with passive energy and low electricity consumption and welcome the local public space culture and habits. The final blocks must be easy to make, affordable, flexible, and, most of all, with easy maintenance and housekeeping. 

The Campus LANDSCAPE will balance active and passive green areas and public and private spaces. Students can grow and prepare their food, and the local people can enter the campus and use part of the space for their markets, exchanging services and small commerce.