Mauro Moro


This project stems from a collaboration with a real estate agency located in the West area of Portugal, north of Lisbon.

The West region is characterised by a pronounced, articulated orography, although not too severe. The soil is very fertile and is one of the historic areas of wine production. With significant relief, the area is lashed by ocean winds, making it an ideal location for wind turbine plants.

This particular rustic and rural landscape is marked by a dense network of small urban centres, characterised by a volumetric solid and aesthetic variety.

The project stems from the need to create a prototype capable of adapting to the terrain based on modular construction and cost-effectiveness. Simplicity and rationality are the keys to the design of these residences of approximately 200 sqm with three bedrooms and a courtyard.

The rigid constructive and distributive rationality becomes the characterising feature of the design, which is straightforward, modest, elegant and sober. Instead of relying on addictions by sticking useless frills, we worked by subtraction.

Three blocks are removed from the base volume to create the three central openings. These openings create a recessed and protected area against strong winds. The cuts become the brand identity of the houses.

The modules can also be coupled and applied according to the main guidelines of the site. This way, we can adapt this basic model to any situation. Flexibility and ease of construction remain a must of our proposal.